Old Fashioned Risk For Modern Art

Modern Art’s Old-Fashioned Risk: A Crossword Lover

Crossword Puzzle

If you don’t want the answer, don’t ask. Modern art can be a bit of a brain-teaser.There’s always the possibility of a ‘not-clear-on-the-concept’ experience. Risk or reward? You be the judge.

This from Business Insurance . . .

Not quite “The Thomas Crown Affair,” a woman visiting the Neues Museum in Nürnberg, Germany, mistakenly filled in the blanks on a crossword puzzle-looking piece valued at more than $88,000, according to media reports.

The 91-year-old woman, who has not been named, apparently said she was confused by an “Insert words” sign hanging next to Arthur Köpcke‘s 1977 “Reading-work-piece.”

The piece, which was presented to the museum by a private collector, will likely cost a few hundred euros to repair, but the damage is not permanent, the museum director told The Telegraph.

The museum, however, has to yet to share how many answers the woman got correct.

If they want to share the security footage, I’d be happy to discuss ways to monetize the story. The commercials alone . . . “If you don’t want the answer, don’t ask,” leaps to mind.

Journalism And Media Relations

Street Sign With Media Types as DirectionalsAccording to computer giant IBM, 2.5 exabytes – that’s 2.5 billion gigabytes (GB) – of data was generated every day in 2012. That includes print, digital video, audio, and every possible social media mashup and trend to stimulate somebody’s glandular system. Getting the story is as important as telling the story. And getting both of them right is the hallmark of quality content.

@mp_research has written about some of the new elements journalists have to contend with to tell a relevant story. After all, its all  news all the time for somebody Extra, Extra! .Read all about disruption in journalism, media and the news.

According tothe results of the 2015 Business Wire Media Survey.an analysis of journalists from around the globe show that upstarts like BuzzFeed and the New York Times represent the future of news reporting and they plan to incorporate livestream technologies like Periscope and Meerkat into their reporting more than traditional multimedia sources like Getty or the AP.

The report says that the big story in the study is one of disruption, and the big question: Is your media relations programming changing fast enough to meet the needs of today’s 24/7 media?

This survey identifies the profile of today’s media in order to best understand who represents the news creators and distributors. The results contain insights from editors, reporters, writers, columnists, and bloggers, many of whom have been in the industry for more than 20 years and actively use corporate news as the basis for articles and posts. (Charts found at end of ResearchBrief)

One of the biggest changes in the last decade has been the rise of new technologies and their impact upon news creation, delivery and consumption. For media outlets, the biggest shift continues to be the movement of readership from print to web, and now mobile devices. This shift provides limitless opportunities for reporters to reach and engage readers throughout the day via fresh content and via quickly adopted formats such as livestream video, but with this shift comes a need for faster content creation, resulting in faster turnaround time, says the report.

Type Of Medium Primarily Reporting
Medium % Of Respondents
Radio 3.7%
Television 1.8%
Newspaper 17.7%
Website 36.3%
Magazine 24.7%
Blog 6.5%
Other 9.3%
 Source:Business Wire, October 2015

The primary internal metrics used to evaluate the success of a reporter’s story, says the report, include the number of page views (59.1%) and unique visits (46.5%) to the story, as well as social media activity such as likes, tweets, sharing and emailing (48.8%) and comments l (19.5%) on the individual article.

Print, Phone, Pad News Delivery OptionsWhen it comes to how journalists prefer to receive breaking news, email alerts (66.5%) and newswire delivered press releases (20.9%) are still the most desired methods. Only 3.7% prefer to use social media platforms as a resource for receiving breaking news stories, while text messages and telephone calls (total 2.8%) are the least favored.

Preferred Method For Receiving Breaking News From An Organization
Preferred Receipt % of Respondents
Email alert with link to full press release 66.5%
Other 5.6%
Social media posting 3.7%
Newswire press release 20.9%
Telephone call 2.3%
Text message .5%
Company blog post .5%
 Source:Business Wire, October 2015

Social Media Channels As Microphone IdentifyiersThe role of social media platforms is changing to be more oriented toward news discovery and sharing as well as providing additional content and information for today’s reporters. 74.9% of respondents use social media platforms for work-related research, however, 74% said they prefer not to receive story pitches via social media platforms.

34.5% of Asia-Pacific respondents, and 50% of South American media are more likely to receive pitches through Facebook than any other social channels, finds the study. However, 50% of reporters in these regions prefer not to be pitched through any social channels.

The survey results showcase the specific news topics a reporter needs to not only consider writing about your news, but to also produce a strong piece of editorial coverage. The most sought-after type of press release information reporters want from an organization is:

  • Breaking news (75.3%)
  • Followed by interesting story angles (72.1%)
  • Supporting facts (68.8%)
  • Trending industry topics (56.7%)
  • Quotable sources (50.7%)
  • Company background information (51.2%)

Content Element Platfomrs Audio, Video, TextToday’s most compelling news articles include a good headline and an interesting and relevant story, augmented by intriguing multimedia. In this survey, we asked reporters how likely they would be to use a company-issued news release if it included multimedia elements.

36.3% of responding reporters said they would be likely to use a news release if it included multimedia. The element most preferred is a photograph (82.8%), then:

  • Graphics (48.4%)
  • Video files (38.1%)
  • Infographics (35.8%)
  • Logos (27.4%)

When news is being consumed so rapidly and abundantly, the role of newswires in journalism remains vital in the news creation space, says the report.

A majority of media respondents (84.7%) use commercial newswire services to find and augment their news coverage, with 53.5% referring to newswires daily or several times a day. When asked what newswire they relied on the most, 67.4% of respondents chose Business Wire as their most utilized commercial newswire resource for researching an organization.

Frequency Using Newswire Service
Frequency Used % of Respondents
Several times/day 23.7%
Several times/week 10.7%
Monthly 1.9%
Occasionally 9.3%
I don’t use a newswire 15.3%
Weekly 6%
Several times/month 3.3%
Daily 29.8%
 Source:Business Wire, October 2015

The survey also aimed to identify what steps communicators could take to support the journalists covering their stories. The most requested step asks communication professionals to spend more time researching the journalist’s publication/beat before reaching out to them (57.2%). Sharing their articles via social platforms followed at 39.5%.

What PR Professionals Could Do To Support Your Role Better? (Select all that apply)
Support Material % of Respondents
Do more research on my publication/beat before reaching out 57.2%
Socially share your article out to their audiences 39.5%
Be more responsive 38.6%
Provide more story-related assets 35.3%
Be available to speak upon request 34.9%
Provide company fact sheets 25.6%
Other (please specify) 20.5%
Write better stories1 8.6%
 Source:Business Wire, October 2015  

Quality Content Check Box Marked By Green PencilGlobally, the top concern for today’s media outlets is the increased focus on inbound traffic vs. story quality. With this move, it becomes even more vital for today’s communicators to create and implement a coverage amplification program to help reporters meet these metrics.

Biggest Concerns Relating To Today’s Media Environment? (Select All That Apply)
Focus % of Respondents
Quality content 66.5%
Increased reliance on “robot” journalism 47.0%
Increased presence of advertorials 44.7%
Reduction in reporting staffing 43.3%
Reduced time available for research 36.3%
Outsourcing of work previously handled by reporters & editors 33.5%
Publication shuttng down 32.1%
Increased usage of company branded content 31.2%
Increased speed in story publishing 29.3%
 Source:Business Wire, October 2015

Curved Wall of Video ScreensThe use of video technology in the future of news reporting is highlighted even by the media’s response to what future reporting tools they plan to use to supplement coverage. 50.7% noted livestreaming video apps and 51.6% plan to rely on photo services for multimedia creation or discovery, says the report.

While these results show that journalists continue to embrace established forms of news story telling, there is a dominant shift occurring towards newer methods found primarily on digital platforms.

Modern news consumers are diverse in their choice of where to engage with news, and in their choice of formats – visuals, textual, videos, interactive platforms – so creating content that resonates with audiences across multiple platforms is the best practice for maximizing message visibility. 36.7% of respondents noted they are currently learning new multimedia technologies emerging in the news coverage space, with 23.3% already using interactive photos and video to supplement their stories.

In a surprising twist, says the report, across the globe responders chose BuzzFeed, known for short, entertainment-styled content and news, over more traditional long-form media outlets such as The New York Times as the publication that best represented the future of reporting.

Media Outlet Best Representing The Perceived Future Of Media
Media Outlet % of Respondents
CNN TV + web crossover 10.2%
New York Times: traditonal top tier news sources 27.9%
Buzzfeed: interactive news telling 33.5%
Reddit: consumer driven news telling1 2.6%
Yahoo! News: search engine hosted news 15.8%
 Source:Business Wire, October 2015

Wood Block Letters Spell Once Upon A TimeAfter search engine use (97.2%), an organization’s corporate site (88.8%) and online newsroom (76.7%) are the foremost destinations for journalists when they need to research an organization. This “News,” “Media,” or “Press” section of an organization’s website is used regularly for editorial research as are:

  • Social media networks (49.3%),
  • Spokespersons (43.3%)
  • Blogs (38.1%)
  • The press release boilerplate (35.8%)
  • Trade publications (36.3%)
  • And wikipedia (40.9%)

Again this year, press releases (84.7%) remain the most sought-after content type within a company’s online newsroom, with:

  • Breaking news (83.7%) and
    • Media contact information (76.3%) close behind.
  • High resolution images (71.6%)
  • Fact sheets (66%)
  • Press kits (58.6%)
  • Executive biographies (51.6%)…

…round out the top required pieces of content journalists look for when crafting news coverage.

Online NewsroomsMore than 75% of surveyed media are receptive to seeing brand articles within an online newsroom. When asked what type of stories should be found in the online newsroom, 39.1% responded that they’d like to see industry trends, as well as content about products and services (26.5%), events (20.9%) and financial information (20.5%).

The functionality behind an online newsroom is just as important as providing required content types. Journalists expect to be able to search content within an online newsroom by type and or date (60.9%).

The ability to download and re-use content (55.3%) such as video and image files is far more desired by media than simply offering an embeded code (24.2%). And the ability to register for email alerts specific to their news interest is important to 60% of those surveyed.

The report concludes by reminding readers that the purpose of the 2015 Business Wire Media Survey is to provide communicators and media professionals insights into the latest trends in news coverage to provide a roadmap for communicators to create and present better, more effective news packages, allowing not only for the faster processing of quality content, but content that meets reporter metrics as well.


Most Closely Resembles Title
Title % of Respondents
Blogger 6.0%
Other 7.4%
Reporter/writer 13.5%
Editor/editorial staff5 2.1%
Producer 1.9%
On-air talent 1.4%
News director 4.2%
Freelance journalist 11.2%
Correspondent/columnist 2.3%
Years As A Member Of The Media
21 years > 45.1%
16-20 years 18.1%
11-15 years 8.8%
6-10 years 14.4%
2-5 years 13%
1 year 0.5%
 Source:Business Wire, October 2015  


Primary Industry Beat  
Beat % of Respondents
Technology 10.2%
Energy/utilities 6.5%
Entertainment 5.6%
Automotive/transportation 4.2%
Finance 3.7%
Sports/recreation 3.3%
Healthcare 2.8%
Food/beverage 2.3%
Retail 2.3%
Agriculture 1.9%
City/metro 1.9%
Real estate 1.9%
Travel/hospitality 1.9%
Architecture 1.4%
Arts/culture 1.4%
Environment 1.4%
Government/politics 1.4%
Science 1.4%
Other (please specify) 27.0%
 Source:Business Wire, October 2015  

For additional information, please visit Business Wire here.



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Evergreen Content Ideas That Get Results

Lifetime Value Of A Blog PostA great post by Graham Charlton came across my desk that opened up some new possibilities for maximizing the lifetime value of content.

Check out the 14 examples of evergreen content formats that work wonders.

Here’s some other interesting metrics on content value in a new study titled “Lifetime Value of a Blog Post” that uncovers some surprising information about  the full value of blog content.



6 Reasons Publishers Have the Upper Hand On Content Marketing Services

Woman Whispering In Man's Ear


Who’s better positioned to tell people what’s new, special or important to pay attention to than publishers? .  reported Publishing Executive hosted its first ever Publishing & Media Lab at Content Marketing World in Cleveland.

The hands-on workshop explored how publishers can develop and scale content marketing services for brands. Eric Shanfelt, president and founder of eMedia Strategist has it right. Content marketing is publishing.

Besides the six reasons reported, a highly relevant editorial calendars and content marketing services are powerful tools publishers are already adept at optimizing. All the elements for success are in place. They are easy, engaging and effective.avenues to rewarding experiences, deepening reader relationships, enhanced reputation and of course, revenue.

I wish I could have attended Content Marketing World. Next year?

The Best Of Content Marketing From Convince And Convert

The Best Of Content Marketing From Convince And Convert

Digital Content Marketing AdvisorsThis is a great resource for those affected by the never ending stream of things to pay attention to about content marketing.

The thing is, there’s a lot worth paying attention to. Convince and Convert tells you what’s important to pay attention to. If content marketing is going to be successful, the content has to be optimized. This is  great  place to acquaint yourself with the some of the possibilities.

The Content Marketing Teams post was a huge relief. I was expecting outcomes from teams of 4 to 10 with a team of one. Thanks for the reality check.

See more about content marketing on the Convince & Convert blog by visiting:


To Sell Content Marketing Services, Stop Selling Ads & Start Selling Outcomes

David LeskuskyDavid Leskusky, President, NAPCO Media offers some very sound advice. Focusing on what the client wants is the gateway to a rewarding experience. He has some helpful guidelines he calls MAP IT.

These may seem obvious and common sense, but all to often the obvious and common sense are missing in action. Following the MAP IT checklist eliminates a lot of guesswork and has the great advantage of helping to distinguish company assets that may have been overlooked.

What vertical markets is your client targeting — retail, healthcare, finance, insurance, non-profit, etc.?

Does your client currently have content marketing assets such as white papers, video, infographics, case studies or native ads? If not, can we help them create and distribute assets?

What products will the client be focusing on during the current budget cycle? Who are the product managers? Who controls budget? What information can the client share on these products?

Key initiatives, goals, new product releases, key business news, budget focus.

Titles/Job Functions
Who is the desired target of your client’s marketing message — C-level management, marketing, IT, HR? Do we have access to those titles within the vertical markets we serve?

To learn more about selling content marketing services, check out Publishing Executive’s event.

We all remember the story about the invention of post it notes, don’t we?


A Broad Brush Across Content Marketing In 2015

From Media Post

Content Marketing Block PuzzleAccording to KJ Wakefield & L Mangiaforte in a NewsCred blog, with companies globally spending an estimated $135 billion on content marketing in 2014, staying ahead of the curve is essential financially and strategically. To help visualize what content will look and act like in the near future, the authors collected the voices of marketing thought-leaders to tell us what they see for 2015.

There were a lot of digital marketing changes in 2014, as marketers focused on providing valuable content to their consumers, and making it accessible on every platform, including mobile, says the report. Digital marketing predictions for 2015 by “those in the know,” are severely summarized here.

  • Companies will make content a key component of culture. Rebecca Lieb of the Altimeter Group calls this “developing an enterprise-wide culture of content.” Content creation shouldn’t just be a task for the marketing team, but external and internal communications to get input from all teams. User-generated content won’t only be relegated to the realm of social media.
  • “Soon, many of the top media sites in the world will be brand-owned,” says Doug Kessler of B2B agency Velocity. As the percentage of media sites owned by brands increases, so too will marketing budgets for content, leading to continuously higher quality
  • “… indy media that doesn’t take native ads will rise again.” Kessler predicts. Content sites that don’t accept native will eventually strike out, likely gaining enormous followings and alternative ad revenue for themselves in the process
  • Storytelling will topple other marketing silos, emerging as the ultimate audience-reaching tactic. NewsCred’s Head of Strategy Michael Brenner says, “… content, data and technology will emerge as the only way for brands to reach consumers through storytelling… “
  • Brands will need to tap into their human nature and tell funny, engaging, and emotional stories if they want to survive, notes Brenner. That’s good news for consumers and content marketers alike, there are fewer things worse than lifeless content.
  • Daniel Burstein, director of editorial content at MECLABS, says, “… in the same way that marketing automation, email marketing, analytics, software, etc. are all converging into one end-to-end marketing platform (usually in the cloud), companies and content creators will converge as well. More brands will become publishers, more publishers will become marketing agencies, and more marketing agencies will become brands….”
  • According to Neil Patel, co-founder of KISSmetrics, community is going to be a big focus of marketing in 2015. “…companies are going to realize there is much more value in a community… everyone knows there’s Instagram, Facebook, etc… but not every company is building its own… ”
  • We’ll see clearer definitions and get a better understanding of social native ads, native display, and custom sponsorships. Tom Channick, head of communications at Sharethrough, says. As open web publishers continue to optimize their mobile websites and apps, these ads will become the primary monetization strategy by year’s end…”
  • Brands will stop creating stale blog posts and produce richer content experiences instead. According to Hanna Andrzejewska, marketing manager at GetResponse future content will: “…evoke emotions, express deeper empathy for each customer persona, and tell great stories with less emphasis on aggressive selling…”
  • Mobile-first thinking becomes a priority. According to Andrzejewska, mobile will take the lead. “Considering the fact that over 60% of emails are opened on mobile devices first and conversion rates are still in the single digit percentage ranges, there’s still massive potential for marketers to gain a deeper understanding of the mobile user’s behavior…”
  • In 2015, companies must fully integrate digital into their entire operation. Murray Newlands, founder of Influence People, says that to keep up: “Having a great digital strategy is no longer something that can happen in isolation. The whole company has to undergo a digital transformation…”
  • Brands that create content for mobile will be a hit among consumers. According to Steve Farnsworth, chief marketing officer at The Steveology Group, “… 2015 is when marketers start to grasp Flex-Media and its necessity to take advantage of ‘content in your pocket.’ That is, content that goes everywhere the user goes… “
  • “… Before creating an editorial calendar for your content marketing, analyze who is involved in the buying process of your product, says Farnsworth. What titles, pressures, and job responsibilities do the users, bosses, and influencers that buy your product have? Content marketers are discovering that digital assets designed specifically for those topics are rocket fuel for driving inbound sales leads… ”
  • Farnsworth also says that “… repurposing existing marketing and corporate communications is usually created by marketers from their point of view, and focuses on what they sell, not on what they know. This is content marketing poison. While repurposing content sounds good, more often it is like using rotted wood to build a boat…
  • Entrepreneur and investor John Rampton “… SEO as a title is dying and will be dead in 2015. It will evolve into something bigger and much more important that encompasses everything marketing and analytics… ”
  • Marketing Speaker and Coach Jay Baer says: “… 2015 will bring decentralized content creation programs with participants across the company (not just marketing), as well as content initiatives that rely on user-generated content in expanded and highly strategic ways. The best source of content in most companies may be your employees and customers… ”
  • Melissa Breker, co-founder of Content Strategy Inc., says, “… we will see content as an experience. We need to think past silo-based content and use customer journeys to determine how content can create different experiences… across all content touch points… “

Huge List (100+) of Web, Social Media and Content Tools

Huge List (100+) of Web, Social Media and Content Tools

Thanks to Mike Petroff for this amazing list of tools.

On May 10, 2012 · 4 Comments

I’ve compiled a large list of familiar (and not-so-familiar) tools that will hopefully help you with your web content, social media, analytical and curation needs. If there’s something I missed, feel free to add it to the Google Doc.


WAVE – Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool – WAVE is a free web accessibility evaluation tool provided by WebAIM. It is used to aid humans in the web accessibility evaluation process. Rather than providing a complex technical report, WAVE shows the original web page with embedded icons and indicators that reveal the accessibility of that page.


About.me – Quickly build your personal page that points people to everything you do, all around the web.

Archivist by Mix Online – The Archivist is a service that uses the Twitter Search API to find and archive tweets.

Google Reader – Google Reader is a Web-based aggregator, capable of reading Atom and RSS feeds.

GramFeed – Instagram Web Interface and Map Visualization (thanks @luker)

Instagrid – A Clean Web Gallery For Your Instagram Photos. Instagram is a popular photo-sharing app on the iPhone, we publish a nice gallery so you can view and share your photos on the web. You can even invite people who don’t use Instagram to subscribe to your feed via email.

Twylah – Create awesome looking websites and widgets out of your tweets.


EdgeRank Checker – We’ve developed our own EdgeRank algorithm to help Page Admins understand how their Page interacts with the News Feed.

RowFeeder – Track Keywords, Hashtags, or Usernames from Twitter & Facebook. Awesome Reports in Excel!

Social Statistics – Google+ Statistics currently tracks and generates detailed statistics for 99,090 users and pulls in hundreds of the most popular posts, every second of the day, from Google+. Add yourself (see sidebar) so we can start tracking your personal Google+ statistics too. You will be able to see how many people added you to their circles, how you grow over time and where you rank in the list of popular Google+ users.

ThinkUp – ThinkUp is a free, open source web application that captures all your activity on social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google+. With ThinkUp, you can store your social activity in a database that you control, making it easy to search, sort, analyze, publish and display activity from your network. All you need is a web server that can run a PHP application.

Tweetcharts – Tweet charts allows you to generate a report of custom data for anything you can search Twitter for: hashtags, words, phrases, usernames or URLs. Enter your query in the box above labeled “search query” and check it out.

Tweetreach – TweetReach is a social analytics tool that provides detailed metrics on the impact of your Twitter conversations. (thanks @jennymack)

Twittercounter – Twitter Counter provides statistics of Twitter usage and tracks over 24 million users and counting. (thanks @jennymack)


ClickHeat – ClickHeat is a visual heatmap of clicks on a HTML page, showing hot and cold click zones. ClickHeat is an OpenSource software, released under GPL licence, and free of charge.

Google Analytics – Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website.

Google URL Builder – Use this tool to create URLs for your custom campaigns.

Google Webmasters Tools – Better manager how Google crawls and views your Web domain (thanks @jakedolan)

MapmyUser – MapmyUser is a web traffic analysis tool. MapmyUser provides realtime web stats with visitor’s Geolocation. The statistics from MapMyUser are used to compute web usage share for example.

Pagelever – Pagelever provides detailed analytics around your Facebook brand or business page that goes beyond Facebook Insights.

Search Engine Spider Simulator – A lot of Content and Links displayed on a webpage may not actually be visible to the Search Engines, eg. Flash based content, content generated through javascript, content displayed as images etc. This tool Simulates a Search Engine by displaying the contents of a webpage exactly how a Search Engine would see it. It also displays the hyperlinks that will be followed (crawled) by a Search Engine when it visits the particular webpage.

Woopra – Woopra is a web analytics and customer engagement service offered by Woopra, Inc. It offers detailed individual visitor data within milliseconds and gives users the tools to analyze and measure that data in real time.


ifttt (if this then that) – Put the internet to work for you by creating tasks that fit this simple structure: “if this then that”. Think of all the things you could do if you were able to define any task as: when something happens (this) then do something else (that).


Posterous Spaces – We take away all the hassle of sharing online, automatically re-sizing and optimizing your photos and videos! Public Spaces can autopost to other popular social media sites. (thanks @robin2go)

Tumblr – Post text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos, from your browser, phone, desktop, email, or wherever you happen to be. You can customize everything, from colors, to your theme’s HTML.

WordPress – WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and a dynamic content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.


Delicious – Delicious helps you find cool stuff and collect it for easy sharing. Dig into stacks created by the community, and then build your own!

Pinboard – Pinboard is a fast, no-nonsense bookmarking site.

Springpad – Springpad helps you share & discover with the people you trust. Create notebooks for recipes, books, movies or anything else that matters to you, together with friends, family and co-workers. Save ideas and info from anywhere, access them whenever, and start getting more from life.


Google Chart Tools – Google chart tools are powerful, simple to use, and free. Try out our rich gallery of interactive charts and data tools.


Disqus – DISQUS is a comments platform that helps you build an active community from your website’s audience. It has awesome features, powerful tools, and it’s easy to install.


BagTheWeb – BagTheWeb helps users curate Web content. For any topic, you can create a “bag” to collect, publish, and share any content from the Web.

Bundlr – Create topic pages with photos, videos, tweets and documents. Share them with everyone.

CurationStation – Curation Station can add value to your business, customers, employee teams, and clients by providing up-to-date content on any subject matter.

Paper.li – Paper.li is a content curation service. It enables people to publish newspapers based on topics they like and treat their readers to fresh news, daily.

pearltrees – Pearltrees is a place to collect, organize and share everything you like on the web. You can keep at hand the web pages you like and enrich your account with Pearltrees from other members of the community.

Scoop.it – Easily Publish Gorgeous Magazines. Leverage Curation to increase your visibility. Give persistence to your social media presence.

Storify – Storify lets you curate social networks to build social stories, bringing together media scattered across the Web into a coherent narrative. We are building the story layer above social networks, to amplify the voices that matter and create a new media format that is interactive, dynamic and social.

Timeline – “Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use.” Timeline is also great for pulling in media from different sources. It has built in support for pulling in Tweets and media from Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Google Maps and SoundCloud.

Social Dashboards

Argyle Social – We provide software to help your organization participate in conversations with prospects and customers, drive brand awareness, and integrate social media deeply throughout your organization. And behind the scenes, we crunch your social activity through our big data engine to provide you with the most actionable social intelligence in the business.

Bottlenose – Bottlenose is a smart social dashboard for keeping up with all your streams in one place.

Crowdbooster – Crowdbooster offers social media analytics with suggestions and tools to help you improve your online presence.

HootSuite – The leading social media dashboard to manage and measure your social networks.

Involver – Create and manage engaging experiences on social networks and across the open web on the most scalable social marketing management platform. Leverage the Conversation Suite to monitor the conversation across – and publishing to – Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Use the Application Suite to deploy engaging apps on your brand pages. Or design your own pages and social applications using Visual SML™ and Involver’s Social Markup Language (SML).

radian6 – Salesforce Radian6 is more than a simple social media monitoring platform. We’re a full service social solution that helps you listen, measure, engage and discover online conversations so you can build your community and your business.

Sendible – Sendible is a platform for engaging with customers, measuring results and monitoring your brand across multiple social media channels at once.

SocialBro – Manage and analyze your Twitter communiy.

Sprout Social – Monitor your brand & manage conversations brilliantly with one, easy-to-use tool.

Tweetdeck – TweetDeck is an app that brings more flexibility and insight to power users. (Twitter only)

Viralheat – Viralheat delivers social media management, monitoring, engagement, analytics, and deep insights to meet the needs of any business.

Virtue Publisher – Vitrue Publisher is the leading social marketing publishing platform for brands looking to engage in two-way conversations with their fans, followers and social community from one centralized location, with scheduling, moderation and analytics right at your fingertips.


dribbble – What are you working on? Dribbble is a community of designers answering that question each day. Web designers, graphic designers, illustrators, icon artists, typographers, logo designers, and other creative types share small screenshots that show their work, process, and current projects. (thanks @robin2go)

StumbleUpon – We help you explore new and interesting things from every corner of the Web.


BBEdit – BBEdit is the leading professional HTML and text editor for the Macintosh. Specifically crafted in response to the needs of Web authors and software developers, this award-winning product provides an abundance of high-performance features for editing, searching, and manipulation of text.

Line Breaks Tool – Remove line breaks from a block of text. Useful for copying text from some PDFs for use in visual editors (thanks @jodineufeld)

Information Architecture

Freemind – Freemind is an Open Source mind mapping tool that’s really useful for creating clickable HTML sitemaps. It’s not as slick as some of the other mind mapping tools out there but is very quick to use and has more features than the free edition of XMind.

XMind – XMind is a really nice mind mapping tool that’s great for building site maps; for collating information; and for generally capturing thoughts and feedback.

Live Conversation

backchan.nl – backchan.nl is tool for involving audiences in presentations by letting them suggest questions and vote on each other’s questions. backchan.nl is intended for conference or event organizers who want a new way to solicit questions from the audience and make better use of question and answer time.

CoverItLive – CoveritLive is the leading live-event publishing platform. Since its release in late 2007, CoveritLive has been used by thousands of writers to engage millions of readers around the world. It is actively used both by traditional bloggers, journalists, major brands and the mainstream media.

ScribbleLive – Your broadband audience demands news, social media and user-generated content in real-time. ScribbleLive makes it easy for you to post/edit content and interact with audiences up-to-the-second. Turn your breaking news into live-feeds and stay relevant with every post.

Location-based Services

Foursquare – Foursquare makes the real world easier to use. We build tools that help you keep up with friends, discover what’s nearby, save money and unlock deals. (thanks @jennymack)

SCVNGR – SCVNGR is a social location-based mobile gaming platform. The application has both a consumer and enterprise component. Companies, educational institutions, and organizations can build challenges, the core unit of their game, at places on SCVNGR from the web. (thanks @robin2go)

Mobile Development

Appcelerator Titanium – Mobile framework for developing mobile apps. (thanks @jakedolan)

Kurogo – Kurogo is open-source Mobile Optimized Middleware™ for developing content-rich mobile websites and iOS and Android apps.

Phone Gap – Open source mobile framework for developing mobile apps. (thanks @jakedolan)

Rhomobile – Mobile framework for developing mobile apps. Ellucian is building various Banner integrations with this framework which may make it appealing to institutions that use Banner. (thanks @jakedolan)

Photo Sharing

500px – 500px is a photo community powered by creative people worldwide that lets you discover, share, buy and sell inspiring photographs.

Flickr – Flickr is an image hosting and video hosting website, web services suite, and online community.

Instagram – It’s a fast, beautiful and fun way to share your photos with friends and family. Snap a picture, choose a filter to transform its look and feel, then post to Instagram. Share to Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr too – it’s as easy as pie. It’s photo sharing, reinvented.

Path – Path is a social networking-enabled photo sharing and messaging service for mobile devices. The service aims to be a place where users can share with close friends and family. (thanks @robin2go)


Prezi – Prezi is a web-based presentation application and storytelling tool that uses a single canvas instead of traditional slides. Text, images, videos and other presentation objects are placed on the infinite canvas and grouped together in frames. (thanks @robin2go)

Sliderocket – Presenting a Better Way. Create, collaborate and share stunning, media-rich presentations.

SlideShare – SlideShare is the best way to share presentations, documents and professional videos.

SpeakerDeck – Share presentations without the mess. Speaker Deck is the best way to share presentations online. Simply upload your slides as a PDF, and we’ll turn them into a beautiful online experience. View them on SpeakerDeck.com, or share them on any website with an embed code. (thanks @robin2go)


Flipboard – Yes, it’s easy to get your publication, blog or social media or RSS feed up and running on Flipboard. Post your stories, updates and photos to any of the social networks on Flipboard. Then tap on the red ribbon in the upper right of your Flipboard. Use the search bar, type in your social account or publication name and start reading your content on Flipboard.

Google Currents – From leading publications, to blogs you follow, you can browse, read, and share favorite content, presented in a swipable magazine format.

iTunesU – If you’re an educator at a university, college, or K-12 school, now you have an easy way to design and distribute complete courses featuring audio, video, books, and other content. And students and lifelong learners can experience your courses for free through a powerful new app for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.

Kindle Publishing Programs – If you are a publisher or author, you can make your books available electronically using Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). All you need to get started is your book in digital format, e.g., word, html, text, etc.

Twitterfeed – Feeds the last posts published in a blog via the RSS feed to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

QR Codes

delivr – QR code generator (thanks @jodineufeld)


Buffer – Be awesome on social media. Easily add great articles, pictures and videos to your Buffer and we automagically share them for you through the day

Timely – Timely uses your past 199 tweets to determine the best time to post new content to Twitter. You choose how many tweets a day between 1, 3, 5 or 9 and also can invite others to collaborate on adding tweets to the same account. It’s very similar to Buffer, but takes the time-choosing out of your hands and tries to predict what’s best for you.


Google Alerts – Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your queries.

Google Custom Search Engine – Create and manage custom search engines for your Web domain using the Google backend. (thanks @jakedolan)

Google Trends – With Google Trends, you can compare the world’s interest in your favorite topics. Enter up to five topics and see how often they’ve been searched on Google over time. Google Trends also shows how frequently your topics have appeared in Google News stories, and in which geographic regions people have searched for them most.

PostPost – PostPost home page is your timeline topline – a rich digest of topics, photos, videos & links from the people you’re most connected to on Twitter.

StoryCrawler – An intelligent news and information gathering software product. This innovative solution intelligently searches and gathers information across multiple online platforms—whether it be social media, news articles, blogs, RSS feeds, video sites forums and user generated content—to bring users the most relevant real-time data.

Topsy – Real-time search for the social web. Enter a URL or search term to see all tweets surrounding it. Google Plus support added. (thanks @jennymack)

Social Platforms

Facebook – Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.

Facebook Platform – Facebook Platform enables you to make your website more social. You can use our Social Plugins, such as the Like Button to drive user engagement with a single line of HTML. Our Login Button and Registration Plugin let you simplify or eliminate your own user registration and sign-in. Lastly, the Graph API lets you access the full social graph of a given user, allowing you to create a truly deep personal experience.

Google+ – Google+ is about having great conversations. Share photos, videos, links, or anything else that’s on your mind. You can use the share box on any Google site or +1 buttons across the web.

Lanyrd – See what your friends are going to or speaking at, find conferences near you or browse conferences by topic.

LinkedIn – LinkedIn operates the world’s largest professional network on the Internet with 161 million members in over 200 countries and territories.

Pinterest – Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.

Twitter – Twitter is a real-time information network that connects you to the latest stories, ideas, opinions and news about what you find interesting. Simply find the accounts you find most compelling and follow the conversations.

Social Login Tools

Gigya’s Social Login Tool – Social Login allows users to register and sign-in to your site or app with an account from more than 25 identity providers including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. It also helps increase registration rates by simplifying the registration process and providing sites with first-party, permission-based social data from users.

OAuth – An open protocol to allow secure API authorization in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications.


Livestream – Livestream is a live streaming video platform that allows users to view and broadcast video content using a camera. It offers a free ad-supported service and multi-tiered premium services.

Ustream – Broadcast video LIVE to the world from a computer, mobile or iPhone in minutes, or watch thousands of shows from News to Entertainment to celebrities, 24/7.

URL Shorteners

Bit.ly – Create shortlinks for social sharing, and then track clicks and visitors.

Google URL Shortener – Google URL Shortener

YOURLS – YOURLS is a small set of PHP scripts that will allow you to run your own URL shortening service (a la TinyURL). You can make it private or public, you can pick custom keyword URLs, it comes with its own API. You will love it.


Concept Feedback – Concept Feedback is an interesting tool for getting second opinions on a design. You can post a design to the site and then a community of designers will give you their feedback for free.

FiveSecondTest – Five second test is a great tool for capturing first impressions for a design, or for perhaps carrying out some quick A/B testing. You can have one or more designs, in the form of images and then people are able to view them for 5 seconds before entering some feedback.

Loop11 – Loop11 is a great tool for carrying out unmoderated usability testing. You basically set-up some tasks for people to do on a website and let them try them out at their own convenience. Loop11 is not free but does allow you to set-up a trial test with a maximum of 5 tasks and 2 questions.

Protonotes – Protonotes are notes that you add to your prototype that allow project team members to discuss system functionality, design, and requirements directly on the prototype. You can think of it like a discussion board/wiki in direct context of your prototype.

Screenfly – Screenfly allows you to view your website on a variety of device screens and resolutions

WebNotes – WebNotes makes it easy to highlight and add notes to web pages from directly within your web browser. Notes are saved automatically and will reappear any time you visit the page.


Vimeo – Vimeo makes it easy to upload the videos you take. We adore many different kinds of file formats and give you great tools so you can make sure your videos look amazing. We even support HD!

YouTube – YouTube allows billions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small.


Google Fusion Tables – Visualize and publish your data as maps, timelines, and charts. Host your data tables online. Combine data from multiple people. (thanks @plautmaayan)


Balsamiq Mockups – Wire-framing mockup tool for easy deployment (thanks @jakedolan)

Lucidchart – From static wireframes to rapid prototypes, web developers can do it all with Lucidchart’s wireframe tool. Collaborate with your client and design team in real-time to cut down on iterations.

Want to Add More?

See the Google Doc and add more web tools and resources.

Photo credit: marc_smith

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