Twittorati Where Blogosphere Meets Twittersphere. Just imagining what that might look like. Could be like a bad acid trip with Alice In Wonderland taking you into the Hall Of Mirrors . Or maybe not. Here’s what Jennifer McLean – 415.896.3005 – says:
For Immediate Release Twittorati Is Here We’re very pleased to announce the launch of
Twittorati is where the blogosphere meets the Twittersphere: what top bloggers are tweeting about, and how these trends compare to blogosphere trends.
You’ll be able to filter tweets by topic, see the most tweeted blog posts, and compare leading blogosphere and Twitter trends.
Twittorati is featuring the Technorati Top 100 Bloggers at launch, but will expand to include the many more authors in the active blogosphere. You can find the Twitter content most relevant to you, compare the day’s top blog and hash tags to see the hottest topics in both spheres, as well as see the most popular links that are being tweeted and which blogs are linking to them.
Writer pages display each tweeter’s blogs and Twitter information and Technorati Authority.
Take a look, and tell us what you think. Jennifer McLean 415.896.3005 Technorati Media
Become a Blogcritic If you love to write and want to increase your exposure and improve your craft in an exciting and supportive atmosphere, Technorati’s is the place for you. We are proud to count some of the web’s best amateur and professional writers among our global membership of more than 2000 writers. Whatever your interests, your writing will find a home at BC. Our “big tent” policy invites all points of view and the topics you can write about are limited only by your own interests and imagination. Our active community of writers and our open comments policy provide you the opportunity to engage in dialog on a diversity of topics with readers and writers from around the globe.
Here are some of the benefits of writing for
- You will work with a team of editors who will help you sharpen your skills and take your writing to the next level.
- Hundreds of review items are offered every week: CDs, DVDs, TV screeners, books, video games, press events, concert tickets, theater tickets, gadgets and more
- Opportunities to interview movers and shakers in the world of arts and entertainment.
- Daily story leads in the form of news items, press releases, and more.
- The opportunity to write regular columns/features.
We work every day behind the scenes to promote our best stories and increase our traffic; your work will be exposed to tens of thousands of readers every day, and all you have to do is write
In short, writing for BC is like nothing else. If you’d like to write for a huge audience without the daily grind of self-promotion;
- if you’d like to be part of a large and stimulating community of writers;
- if you’d like to take advantage of a veritable treasure trove of review material and story leads;
- if you’d like to have the opportunity to work with editors who will help you hone your craft and bring your work to the next level, then BC is the place for you. Continue reading